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TestAug - A Framework for Augmenting Capability-based NLP Tests


TestAug is a framework that augments the template-based test suite to better test NLP models’ linguistic capabilities.

The framework is best described in the diagram shown below:

We have empirically shown that our system are better capable of generating test cases to detect more bugs than template-based test suites.

Currently, TestAug system supports NLP tasks including sentiment analysis, paraphrase detection, and natural language inference.

Test Suites

The statistics and download link for our GPT-3 test suites are shown below. They could be either used individually or together with template-base test suites such as CheckList and LoNLI.

Task Linguistic Capabilities Size Download
Sentiment Analysis 4 3275 sentiment.pkl
Paraphrase Detection 6 6427 qqp.pkl
Natural Language Inference 7 4976 nli.pkl

Some samples of the test cases are shown below. We could see that many of them are substantially different from the test cases from the template-based test suites (see our paper for more details).


These test suites are readily used in your custom code following.

import pandas as pd

# load one of our test suites
test_df = pd.read_pickle("sentiment.pkl")

# load your custom model 
clf = ...

# record prediction
test_df = test_df.assign(pred=clf.predict(test_df.text.tolist()))

# compute overall error rate
err = (test_df.label != test_df.pred).sum() / len(test_df)
print(f"The overall error rate is {err:.3f}.")

# compute the per capability error rate
test_df = test_df.assign(error=test_df.label != test_df.pred)
print("The per capability error rate is shown below:")


If you would like to reproduce the experiments in the paper or extend our work, check out our code base!